Tuesday, January 3, 2012



Over the past few weeks i have been trying to decide whether or not to start a blog in regards to my Endo and i believe it's now time. So, here it is.

The start of 2012 is turning out to be unexpectedly important. I didn't intend it to be, i just happened to start thinking about things and then decided to actually do them.

I've decided to do alot this year, its going to be interesting. And i need to be able to document to an extent. I don't want to live my life on the internet, its too distracting. I was reading Amanda Palmer's blog the other day and she said the same even though she's considered the 'queen of the internet'. I am online alot. I wouldn't try and dispute that but i have my reasons. However, i don't want every emotion, every feeling out there. I doubt i could ever video blog. That's far too personal.

I like words, i like writing. It all makes sense. :)

So welcome to my blog on Endo. The most fascinating and violent thing i have ever personaly dealt with and witnessed. What is it?


Simple enough. Weird stuff grows in weird places and causes weird things.

But they can't really explain what it feels like and in the past year and a half, i'm only just realising. I was diagnosed three years ago but have probably had it since i was very young. I am a member of many forums and they are all super special to me. I won't go into details right now, you'll get enough of that over time. I also won't shove things down your throat, its not the best way to do things in these situations. But i will be informative and open, i will share.

I'm excited...it's going to be interesting.

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